I am Ada Hegerberg. You need to watch this immediately.
Recently ESPN released a documentary about Ada Hegerberg, an incredible person, with incredible character, who happens to play soccer.
I know Ada via the technology of video conferencing, and although we've never met, and I've never gotten a chance to shake her hand and give her a hug, I do know quite a bit about Ada.
I watched this film with my 2 daughters, Grace who is 6 years old, and Gianna who is 4 years old, who also know Ada via video and can't wait until the day we get to fly to France, or Norway to hang out with Ada and watch her on the pitch using the skills she has worked so hard to master throughout her life. Within 42 minutes, I was in tears, I was furious, I was proud, and I was motivated. That night at bedtime, we all retold the story of Ada's strength and integrity, and how important it is as girls and as women, that we understand the current state of the world around us, and the importance of standing up for what is right, always.
Ada has been clear from the beginning about her questions, her intentions, her challenges, and her decisions. She has been mis-quoted, misunderstood, and slammed throughout the world by people that don't understand the facts, or who decided to use "alternative facts". (And we all know how that turns out). She's been treated differently, as many women in this world are compared to men. This happens to be highlighted in her career setting as an athlete, but also in what questions she's been asked in public, and even on stage as she accepted the Ballon d'Or. This documentary is Ada to speaking to you directly, sharing her own life story and clarifying many of the facts that some in the media have gotten wrong.
I have always told my girls that all women wear crowns. Each woman's crown is different in size, shape, color, and jewels; and no one can see the crowns except other women. Girls cannot see the crowns until they themselves become women. I created this narrative to instill a sense of pride in my girls, a sense of wonder, and a sense of anticipation until the day they can see the crowns and understand that these crowns are not in fact actual crowns, but symbols of strength and integrity. Often they ask, "are you wearing your crown Mommy?" "Yes, always" I say. They try to guess the jewel color, or what it might look like. They'll ask about other women in public, and I always tell them that she is in fact wearing her crown, and I tell them how beautiful it is.
Ada is head-strong, charming, protective, joyful and loving. I would imagine that Ada's crown is actually quite simple in glamour, but brilliant, and very heavy, as she has stepped forward to carry the jewels of all the little girls waiting for their own.
Cheers to you Ada. Keep going. (Don't forget to rest). And know that we stand beside you.